
Showing posts from December, 2016

I wonder if you guys would consider an improvement to the layout of the 'Due Repeat' dialogue/form?

I wonder if you guys would consider an improvement to the layout of the 'Due Repeat' dialogue/form? Because of the linear layout of the day letters (M, T to S) and checkboxes, it often takes me more time than necessary to pick which checkboxes to select (process: "hmm, day labels are to the right of the checkbox, so for Tuesday it must be the checkbox to the left of the 'T' ") Ideally the letters should be above or below the checkboxes, at least for me. It's possible I'm a bit visually dense, but hopefully Checkvist is for dense folk too ;)
maybe a dumb question, but what is the purpose/meaning of an "invalidated" task?


Hi. Thanks for Checkvist. It is a great outliner. As a suggestion, I would like the export options of the entire list, of all the entries in focus, and of an entry to be enlarged (docx, pdf ...). An export solution similar to Gingko App; The display option as article. In addition, the note printing option should not be indented. I intend to test Checkvist at a law firm, replacing the MS Word job, but exporting the text is a problem for me. I hope you can implement these features. Thx.
Merry Christmas!

Hi guys, I think I might remember enough CSS to make the necessary changes, but is there any kind of reference for...

Hi guys, I think I might remember enough CSS to make the necessary changes, but is there any kind of reference for the classes and such I'm looking for? Right now, I'd like to change the appearance of the due date when it's today, because it sometimes gets a little lost amongst the tags. Thanks!

Honor numbered lists?

Honor numbered lists? Dear Checkvlist, On markdown export of a [1] numbered list, the export function outputs - item1 - item2 instead of the correct markdown 1. item1 1. item2 Thank you for your time in reading.

Global option or command to "Show/hide progress counter"

Global option or command to "Show/hide progress counter" Bit of a nice-to-have but I really like the "progress counter" (shortcut: "pc") and think an option to show all/hide all would be really useful.

Sort by Modified date ?

Sort by Modified date ? Would it be possible to add a sort by modified date (DESC)? It would help in two ways: 1. Finding items recently changed/added 2. Finding items that haven't been touched for a while (and may be obsolete?) This cannot be done with filters