Global option or command to "Show/hide progress counter"

Global option or command to "Show/hide progress counter"

Bit of a nice-to-have but I really like the "progress counter" (shortcut: "pc") and think an option to show all/hide all would be really useful.


  1. Hello Mark, I'm not sure I understand what do you mean as 'global command'. What would it do?

  2. Kirill Maximov I'd like to be able to show/hide ALL progress counters for parent items.
    The progress counters down the right-hand side of the Checkvist outline are useful markers as well as motivators - if you've completed 9/10 child items it spurs me on to get the last one done.

  3. Hmm. Would multiple selection + 'pc' keyboard shortcut work, if we implement it?

  4. multiple selection + 'pc' keyboard shortcut work
    would help a little

    However, it would be nice to do it for the whole list in one go (and this, only for parent items).

  5. I really don't want to add a specific keyboard shortcut for such operation. May be, if we add "Ctrl+A" for select all, you could do it in 2 steps - Ctrl+A, 'pc'. May be Ctrl+A should work only for the top - level items.

  6. Kirill Maximov sounds like a good compromise

  7. But at the moment, you can use 3 steps - collapse all (Ctrl+Shift+Left), select all with Shift+Arrows, and use 'pc'.

  8. Oh, hadn't even tried that. Will give it a go.
    Is there any way to NOT SHOW PROGRESS with non-parent items?
    Having it only on parents draws the eye nicely.

  9. Mark Dickens Makes sense. Please check how it works on - I think I implemented it the way you meant.

  10. That's great Kirill Maximov, thank you!


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