
Showing posts from September, 2013

Can we get a per-list style into CSS somewhere so I can customize the look of a few different lists?

Can we get a per-list style into CSS somewhere so I can customize the look of a few different lists? Something like would be great.  Even better would be a user too, like class="list-{list id} user-{user id}". Then I could avoid using local css overrides to try to adjust my view of a shared list.

Just signed up for the premium trial.

Just signed up for the premium trial. I would have signed up earlier but didn't realize that the PayPal payment isn't due until after the 14 days. I need to read more carefully. My reason for premium is access to custom css. I like to narrow my browser window so I can have my novel outline open beside Scrivener, my writing tool. With Checkvist's default css, there's a couple of hardcoded settings that kept this from happening. Well, I signed up for the trial, turned on Chrome's Development tools, and found the troublesome css in a matter of minutes. The overriding was simple and effective. So far, no complains -- it works beautifully. My only danger now is to stay focused on the novel and not on how I dress up Checkvist. This tool continues to impress. Here are my settings. A warning, though: I just started using these values. There could be hidden issues that pop up. ``` html, body, .main_div {    min-width: 0 } #tasks_block{    min-width:10em; } ```

Check out how easily github lets you add images to an issue (start writing any issue, then drag or ctrl-v-paste an...

Check out how easily github lets you add images to an issue (start writing any issue, then drag or ctrl-v-paste an image into the textarea). I wish I could do this on a checkvist item. The workflow would be: 1. start typing an item 2. find an image somewhere, maybe by taking a screenshot or doing 'Copy Image' on another browser page 3. ctrl-v in my checkvist item 4. now we have an image attachment to the item

I'm not quite sure how to merge and de-merge lists.

I'm not quite sure how to merge and de-merge lists. I'd like to create a few dozen separate lists, but then merge them into one list, so I can get the numbering consistent across all of them (not all starting from the beginning). Is this possible? Is there a tool to convert word documents into OPML? I've got a few dozen of them, and it's be really handy to convert them into checkvist without all that copying and pasting.

Brilliant app. Our friends are hearing about it

Brilliant app. Our friends are hearing about it Couple of thoughts for comment  1. When we're whizzing around from list to list -- what about having      something like lll to open the other list in a new tab? Sometimes      want to have both lists open 2. Any thoughts of sectionalizing? Like folders to separate      concerns like Work, Home etc  3. Any further development of timekeeping would be really helpful  BUT it's already the coolest, does everything swiss army knife that we have come across And even better to know that it comes from a business which keeps the family together -- thanks

I've found that the best workflow for my checkvist usage is through creating small lists with the right people...

I've found that the best workflow for my checkvist usage is through creating small lists with the right people shared. It's similar to a well-factored object oriented system: you have minimal responsibilities for each list and the right "interactions" with that responsibility and you end up with something very flexible and meaningful. The problem I'm having: make sure I keep track of those lists. In reality I have a recurrence in my head of when I should review the list. My "Someday" list should only be reviewed once a week. My "network migration" list should be reviewed every day. My "home" list should be reviewed every 2-3 days. How do you suggest I manage this? With recurring tasks? A new feature? Thanks for everything you do.
What's everyone's favorite #time-tracking supplement to cVI?

In my work I realize people are at different literacy levels.

In my work I realize people are at different literacy levels. "Able Reading" is not binary by any means. I even prefer complexity and simplicity at different times. Checvist is Collegiate/Doctoral/Engineer (and others) are elementary. I like elementary, but my mind needs Collegiate. I wonder if I can have my cake and eat it too...? #Curiosity

Is there anyone using #Checkvist with #gtd?

Originally shared by Kirill Maximov (KIR) Is there anyone using #Checkvist  with #gtd? Could you please help this man:

When I choose to filter on a tag, it shows headings for items that have the tag but have been completed.

When I choose to filter on a tag, it shows headings for items that have the tag but have been completed. Is there an option not to to show headings in this case? I've attached a screenshot showing an example: