I wonder if you guys would consider an improvement to the layout of the 'Due Repeat' dialogue/form?

I wonder if you guys would consider an improvement to the layout of the 'Due Repeat' dialogue/form?

Because of the linear layout of the day letters (M, T to S) and checkboxes, it often takes me more time than necessary to pick which checkboxes to select (process: "hmm, day labels are to the right of the checkbox, so for Tuesday it must be the checkbox to the left of the 'T' ")

Ideally the letters should be above or below the checkboxes, at least for me. It's possible I'm a bit visually dense, but hopefully Checkvist is for dense folk too ;)


  1. Hi Sasha. Thank you - that's definitely an improvement, though I'd suggest if you're going to keep the checkboxes and day labels vertically-aligned, the order would be better as Mon - Tue - Wed -Thur on the top line, the others below (us European derived folks tend to scan left-right first, then up-down).

    I had something in mind more vertically separated, ie. something like the below (allowing for my nonexistent image editing skills). I'm aware though you might have technical reasons for the layout you have. Also what's seems clear to me may be no more than my own idiosyncrasy ;)


  2. Hi, Crispin!
    Sorry for the long silence - and Happy New year!
    Yes, got it now. Let's keep all days in one line. Scheduled for the next update!

  3. Sounds great Sasha, thanks. It's only a minor detail, but Checkvist has many great little details so it will be in good company :)


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