
Showing posts from October, 2016

In Checkvist mobile on Android or ios devices, I find it difficult to tap and drag a task which has a link in it.

In Checkvist mobile on Android or ios devices, I find it difficult to tap and drag a task which has a link in it. It will usually assume I am trying to open the link instead of trying to select the task in order to move it. I have to tap for just long enough then start to move the task before it tries to open the link. Is there a best way to do this? Thanks.

Couple of suggestions:

Couple of suggestions: 1. Provide additional background colors - yellow would be useful for me. 2. Allow people to be assigned to tasks while their invitations are still "pending"

Hi! Is that a known bug or i'm doing smth wrong?

Hi! Is that a known bug or i'm doing smth wrong?

Just a reminder for anyone who finds the lack of a Due tasks list on the mobile version frustrating, that you can...

Just a reminder for anyone who finds the lack of a Due tasks list on the mobile version frustrating, that you can always use the main website on a phone. It's in effect kind of read-only (targets are too small to be really usable), but being able to see due tasks when I'm away from the computer is important to me. I had even considered consolidating all my lists into one so I could just use the single-list filter now available in the mobile app, but that's unwieldy. And, please, anyone else who needs this, vote for !

Is there anyway to make a task "uncompleteable"?

Is there anyway to make a task "uncompleteable"? For instance, I have a list where I keep my list of projects and their issues. I created a simple sample here: You see in each project I have three catagories: Software, Electrical, and Hardware. I never want these catagories to be completed, because I could always find a new issue to add to them later. You can see that in Project 1, Electrical has all its items completed so Electrical itself has become completed. This becomes an issue if I want to Hide Completed Items, as I dont want "Electrical" to be hidden, just its completed contents. I was hoping there would be a way in CSS or something to make list items with a certain tag uncompleteable (or at least not hidden when it is completed). Is this possible? (Great product by the way. I have been using it for a while and it has helped me stay organized far better than any other outliner. The unlimite...

What about having a reminder feature for a specific day and time?

What about having a reminder feature for a specific day and time? It could be a notification, email or whatever. I think this would be a very useful feature. Thoughts?

Global filter automatically applied via Checkvist list link

Global filter automatically applied via Checkvist list link Global search is great (apart from the index update latency) but it would be great if clicking on a List link in global search were to open up the list and apply the global search filter (see attached image). This way all of those filtered tasks could be seen in their list context. How hard can it be ? :o)

Check out the new version! Contact back for any suggestions/comments/feedback. Hope you like it!

Check out the new version! Contact back for any suggestions/comments/feedback. Hope you like it! Originally shared by Ayush Goel New Checkvistle version is out! Updates: * Huge reductions in network usage! (We now support the HTTP magic of Etag).. * Now we display list names more beautifully * Lists information shown now includes public status of list and it's last update date. * Lists and Tasks can now be searched within app using a search bar on top of lists. * You can now filter your tasks based on their status. * We now support spotlight searching and 3D touch for lists. * Your dynamic text preferences are now taken care of. Get it from Check the blogpost listing the new features along with screenshots:

What happens if I (with a Pro account) share a list with a Free account user?

What happens if I (with a Pro account) share a list with a Free account user? For example can they see attachments I add?

Hi, all!

Hi, all! Wondering what your advice is, KirSa! Here's what I'm trying to do: 1. Maintain several different lists, each corresponding with a project. 2. Maintain project tasks in each list 3. Select a couple tasks (my active tasks) from each project, to work on next 4. See a list of all of the active tasks from any project in one place 5. (And this is the kicker) MANUALLY PRIORITIZE the list of active tasks So, I tried tagging as "#active" a bunch of tasks from different lists. I filtered by that tag, but I was unable to manually rearrange the list of matching tasks. It looks as if the capability doesn't exist in Checkvist. (In fact, I've yet to find a task management/list management/todo/Kanban/you-name-it system that does this.) What I'm asking is, how would YOU go about approximating this functionality in Checkvist? What I'm trying to achieve is being able to create sort of a pseudo-list of tasks from different lists so that when I check them of...


Hi. I'm unable to use Checkvist on my chromebook as the shortcuts don't seem to work in Chrome. This is specific to Checkvist (shortcuts for other web apps work). It is also specific to the Chromebook version of chrome, as I don't have this issue when running chrome on a desktop. Intriguingly, shotcuts work for the Checkvist bookmark (in the top right hand corner), but not for the full version (!) Should I attempt to reset the Chromebook? Thanks