In Checkvist mobile on Android or ios devices, I find it difficult to tap and drag a task which has a link in it.

In Checkvist mobile on Android or ios devices, I find it difficult to tap and drag a task which has a link in it. It will usually assume I am trying to open the link instead of trying to select the task in order to move it. I have to tap for just long enough then start to move the task before it tries to open the link. Is there a best way to do this? Thanks.


  1. Hi Alan, a tap on non-selected item should not open the link, but should only set a selection on it. The second tap on the link will open the link.

    To move an item which contains a link, the simplest way is to tap-and-hold on a part of the item which does not contain the link (some text nearby or padding near the link text).

    Hope this is helpful.

  2. Yes, I see now. Thank you for that very detailed explanation.


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