
Showing posts from November, 2015

Is it possible to create either:

Is it possible to create either: 1. a Zapier rule that creates a new Checkvist list and populates it with the contents of a newly created Evernote note or 2. A Zapier rule that creates a new list item with the title of my newly created note and an subitem (or subitems) that is the child (or children) of the "title" item. Currently, the closest I can get is creating a list item with the title, followed by many list items containing the paragraphs in the note. Thank you, Rebecca

How can I open the backup XML files on my Mac without seeing code?

How can I open the backup XML files on my Mac without seeing code? I tried OmniFocus OmniOutline BBEdit etc. I just want a clean way to see my backup when I'm offline. Thank you

Something is baking up :)

Something is baking up :) Actually, you can already try it live on The shortcut, as you might have guessed is 'pc'. Works on a list (from the 'Options' menu, 'oo') or a single branch (select the top list item in the brach and press 'pc'). Right now we are polishing the details, colors, etc. So it's a good time to try how the feature works and tell us how to improve it ;)

Pretty low priority but interesting to me, no less.

Pretty low priority but interesting to me, no less. MindManager has a feature to incrementally expand a node (L1, L2, etc.) I think this is a nice feature. I believe you only offer "all or nothing" expand/collapse? EV

What about a feature to "include" children from one node "inside"/within/as a child to another node?

What about a feature to "include" children from one node "inside"/within/as a child to another node? For example, I have one node that contains a list underneath it and I want to have that set referenced/included in another node so I don't have to duplicate this data. #featureRequest


Hi, Is there currently a way to save a search as a list? E.g I search for Foo and then I can save it as a list called My Foo Search. Anytime I expand it I see, dynamically, a line per item in my CheckVist with Foo in it.

So have you tried the latest mobile app...

So have you tried the latest mobile app update? We are already working on the next one :)

Can I build a todo list that works backward from a date?

Can I build a todo list that works backward from a date? For example, I want to have an event on June 20th and need to send out invites 6 weeks prior (this is a simple example, I actually have recurring events with a number of steps so I'd like to kick off a checklist X days BEFORE the event).
I can't seem to filter on the mobile site. I enter the #tag but no action. Other than that I love checkvist. Thanks

On my Galaxy Note II, Android 4.3.0, using Chrome 46.0.2490.76, when I visit all I see is a blank...

On my Galaxy Note II, Android 4.3.0, using Chrome 46.0.2490.76, when I visit all I see is a blank page. The page seems to render fine on Firefox on the same device, but I'm not seeing anything on Chrome. Any ideas?

Hey, checkout the iOS app I have created using the Checkvist open API.

Hey, checkout the iOS app I have created using the Checkvist open API. Hope it fulfills most of the use cases people have. Copying the app description for context: The app is kept very simple so that it gels well with Checkvist users (including me) who are more focused on performance. * Shows all your lists and the enclosed tasks from Checkist. * Add lists and tasks which are reflected on you Checkvist account too. * Can delete a task or a list on a simple left swipe. * Mark tasks complete. * Invalidate tasks. * Send feedback and report bugs from within app. * We also have you covered for too much nested task lists (surprise ;) ). Would love to hear from you! Mail: Twitter:@checkvistle