Is it possible to create either:

Is it possible to create either:
1. a Zapier rule that creates a new Checkvist list and populates it with the contents of a newly created Evernote note or
2. A Zapier rule that creates a new list item with the title of my newly created note and an subitem (or subitems) that is the child (or children) of the "title" item.

Currently, the closest I can get is creating a list item with the title, followed by many list items containing the paragraphs in the note.

Thank you,


  1. You can use action "Create Several List Items", with this action Checkvist parses indentation syntax to create subtasks. I.e. if you import

    - item1
    - item2

    And you set "one item per line" option - it should create title and two sub-items.

    Would it help?

  2. Currently, what I get when the item text is:

    ###{{title}}  {{tags}}

    - {{content_no_html}} 

    And it's set to "one item per line" is:

    - title and tag item
       - indented item containing the first paragraph of content
    - one additional item for each additional paragraph of content

    I can use multiselect to indent the additional items pretty easily, so it's not hard to work around, but it's not quite the desired result. But it's close enough that (clearly, given that I started this thread two months ago and am only just getting back to it) I'm not inclined to put a lot more time into it.

    I really just though it might be helpful to state, for the information of anyone else who's trying to do this, what the current behavior is (

  3. Hello Rebecca,

    You're right, the existing Zapier API does not allow to get the result you need. Actually, this is due to the fact that Checkvist import API, which is used in Zapier integration, is limited with this regard. I'm afraid I cannot promise a solution to this problem in the near time, sorry.

  4. You might want to take a look at taskclone . It uses checkvist's email functionality to send Evernote note titles or Evernote checklist items to Checkvist. Each item created in Checkvist is sent with a link back to the original Evernote note. Sounds like this might work.


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