The attached video shows two bugs regarding the repeating due date dialog:

The attached video shows two bugs regarding the repeating due date dialog:
- focus keeps returning to the radio buttons (once shortly after I open the dialog, and then every time I change the date input)
- but more importantly, after changing the date, the list keeps the old date, while the dialog has the new one; I don't know if the change has been registered or not (after page refresh, the situation is the same: old in list, new in dialog)


  1. Thanks for the bug report, we'll investigate, a bit later. May we take a look into your account, as I could not reproduce the focus problem at the first try?

  2. Kirill Maximov Oh wait, nevermind the focus thing, it only happens when browser dev tools are open :)

  3. OK, I see :) Regarding the due date inconsistency: Checkvist separates repeating due settings and currently set due date. If you have a current due date, and the task is open, the repeating due date won't activate until you close the task.

    You can also remove existing explicit due date. To do that, use 'cd' keyboard shortcut. After that, Checkvist will generate new due date from repeating due settings (usually within an hour).

    Please let me know if this answers your question :)

  4. Oh, I see, I was wondering why a `cd` removes the date, but leaves the recurring icon there. Now it makes sense; the first `cd` removes the current due date, and a second `cd` removes the whole recurring due date setting.

    This way of treating the due dates makes sense, it's just counterintuitive at first to someone coming from e.g. Todoist, where you have a single due date property, which is either one-off or recurring.

  5. Yep, I see. This may be a bit confusing at first, but probably more flexible.
    Please let me know if you have any other questions :)


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