Some things I miss from Checkvist when working in the browser on an iPad (without keyboard):

Some things I miss from Checkvist when working in the browser on an iPad (without keyboard):

1. The task menu (actions, aa) has no lc and "more" (which includes ex, for example).
2. I cannot invalidate a task (shift-space), or delete it.
3. For marking done/open, the swipe has to be carried out on the text of the task. For short entries (short word or even just a letter), this can be hard to do. These are exceptions, but why not allow swiping the whole task row?


  1. Hello Ralf Hauber,

    Thanks a lot for the notes, please find my comments below:

    1. We've added more actions and 'lc' to the 'aa' menu, please check - Checkvist: Keyboard-centric outliner and task manager
    2. You can do it if you show 'hints sidebar', the shortcuts in the sidebar are clickable. Maybe not very convenient but should do the job. Use keyboard icon in the topbar to toggle hints.
    3. Need to investigate this a bit more, as we setup the handler on the whole line but it is triggered only when the text is touched. But, you can also close/reopen from a sidebar help - would it help?

    Kind regards,

  2. Kirill Maximov Thanks for the quick response—including coding on beta.

    1. 'lc' is now available, it triggers visual feedback on iPad but doesn't copy anything to the clipboard. Side note: For the sake of consistency of the 'aa' menu, maybe the three options for adding items should be the same on all platforms (add below, add above, add sub-item).
    2. It does the job. Seems I forgot about the 'hints sidebar' a long time ago.
    3. Functionally, it helps. However, swiping completed tasks is more satisfying. :)

  3. Hello,

    Now the changes are on the production, though I have not fixed 'lc' on iOS yet. Will have to apply trick from

    As for swipe, looks like it was a deliberate decision to avoid accidental closing/reopening of tasks. Should be tweaked to be more robust.

    And the last but not least - we've just started a dedicated forum for Checkvist Friends at G+ is going to be closed, I'm going to write an announcement about it soon.

    Thanks a lot for the comments!


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