Input wanted: How do you keep it simple?

Input wanted: How do you keep it simple?

I love Checkvist in many ways. Yet whenever I return to it (from having used other task-tracking tools), I find myself seeing too much info too much of the time -- which is distracting. I find myself making things more complicated than they need to be. It's a little hard to explain.

For example, I wish CV had a real Inbox function -- a way to enter a new task quickly without thinking about where to put it, then get back to what I was doing before. Some other tools (Todoist, Nirvana, TickTick) have that function. The best I've done with CV is making a top item that's set for priority 1 due today, so when I filter to see only the important tasks I need to work on today, it's always displayed. That kinda works, but I still find myself looking at growing list of tasks under "Inbox" as the day goes on. Then of course at some point I have to view my entire outline and move those tasks under the correct heading. Does anyone have a better way to set up some kind of Inbox?


  1. I have a daily recurring task to review my two lists (one for work, one for personal stuff) and look for anything that doesn't have anything due (due:none). If I entered anything during the day, it will show up at the top. And my default is to show "due: now" to show anything overdue, due today or ASAP.

  2. Hi Orson

    I have tried various other tools including GTD, but now I have finally settled on a nice system using CV.
    My definition of nice is that this system has worked well for last 2 years, and most of the previous task management procedures barely lasted a few weeks before I gave up.

    I have documented my current Task management mechanism in CV as a public list. Check and see if it helps. - Task Management Philosophy - outlined in Checkvist


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