[Feature Request]

[Feature Request]
Hello Friends!

This might be a very niche feature request, but I would love it anyway. It would be awesome if there was a way to display lists in the way the "Tree" (a now unfortunately discontinued Outlining/Mind-Mapping Mac app) used to. That is in a vertical way. See the attached screenshot for an example.

For the way my brain works that is the ultimate way to display information. It gives you nice bite sized blocks of specially separated information.
For me this makes it easier to read than long ongoing intended lists. Maybe some other people would like this as well. :-)

Regardless, thanks for Checkvist! It is already amazing the way it is today.
Best Regards


  1. Hello Julius Renner, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever implement such an alternative view.

    If you're interested in this kind of presentation, check out https://gingkoapp.com/, it may suit your needs better :)



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