Two feature requests:

Two feature requests:
==Ability to multiple select items in Due List. I go there and change due dates of several items.

==When you change a due date in the due date list, it jumps to the new due date. But I like to work through the past due items so going back and forth becomes kind of a pain.



  1. Hello Lawrence,

    Thanks for the feedback. The first request is very valid, but not easy to implement, please vote for the issue - Multiple selection support on due page to change due for several items at once

    As for the second request - we will try to implement it as well, hopefully in the next server update.

    Thanks again!

  2. Hi, I've made a correction on selection behaviour on the Due page, on - Checkvist: Keyboard-centric outliner and task manager - now it should not jump. Please check if it works better for you.



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