The new feature of searching through notes is very helpful, but there's one problem: it often leaves a very...

The new feature of searching through notes is very helpful, but there's one problem: it often leaves a very cluttered screen because the notes expand when there's a hit. It would be much better if the search highlighted items where there was a hit in the note, but did not automatically expand the note. Alternatively, there could be an option not to search in notes.


  1. Hello Charles Heckscher,

    We're considering adding an 'sn' keyboard shortcut which would show/hide all notes on the page. After a filtering with expanded notes, it would collapse all the notes.

    What do you think, would it solve a problem in your case?

    We really would not want to add more options and think that expanding matches in notes are better than highlighting only a note mark.


  2. Just following up here - I am having a lot of trouble now with search because it opens a lot of long notes; I have to collapse items one by one before I can find what I am looking for. You suggested you might do the keyboard shortcut for collapsing all notes -- will that be available soon?? (an option to not expand notes in a search would be even better - they are already identified with a highlight, which is sufficient.)

  3. Hello Charles Heckscher, we definitely going to fix this issue soon (I mean adding 'sn' shortcut). Hope to provide the fix for testing on this weekend.

  4. I've just deployed Checkvist with 'sn' keyboard shortcut to, please check it out.

    Thank you,

  5. That's wonderful - and, as always, greatly appreciated.

  6. Thanks, and sorry it takes some time to keep promises :)

  7. Hello,

    Just wanted to let you know that 'sn' keyboard shortcut is not on the production site as well.


  8. Thanks, I've found it very helpful - Charles H.


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