Mobile app stuck in Note view

Mobile app stuck in Note view

On iOS if I open a note it’s game over (see attached video)


  1. Sorry for the problem, but could not reproduce it yet :(

    Is it - Checkvist Mobile or

    Did you do anything after opening the notes panel page?

    What is the iOS version?


  2. > Is it - Checkvist Mobile - Checkvist Mobile or
    Sorry in my case I don't remember. I have had the web app 'installed' for months) and the url bar isn't (AFAIK) available in an installed web app. Probably mmm.

    > Did you do anything after opening the notes panel page?
    When I opened Checkvist, it the notes & attachments page animated immediately into place. So presumably that must have been what I was looking at the previous time.

    What is the iOS version?
    Android 8.1.0, Chrome 66

  3. Hello Crispin Bennett, Mark Dickens, I've just updated the mobile app with the corresponding bugfix. Sorry for the problem and thanks for reporting it.

  4. Cool - that did the trick, thanks.


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