New user and recent convert from workflowy.

New user and recent convert from workflowy. Love the product! Throughout the day I enter a single task, hit enter and am required to then hit escape to exit the task entry before navigating up or down. Wondering if it is currently possible to enter a single task and then return to navigation without escape.

If not, I suggest up/down arrow keys to enter a task and avoid an additional textbox. Navigation up or down would occur directly and avoid the need to hit escape key.


  1. Sasha Maximova Thanks Sasha! This is close :-) ... I think for users of this option adding arrow navigation would be superior since there are many occasions when multiple item entry is desirable.

  2. Hi, welcome onboard :)

    Checkvist has an option "Show an empty text field after adding a task", which is enabled by default. You can switch it off on the Settings page,

    Hope this is what you're looking for.
    Best, - Checkvist: Outline your next project


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