It would be very handy to have a single operation to move an item to another list, and then replace the item with a...

It would be very handy to have a single operation to move an item to another list, and then replace the item with a link to that new location. Something like 'extract to existing list' as opposed to the current 'extract as an new list'

My use case: I make a distinction between lists which contain mostly action/todo items (in which every item is a candidate for completion), and which are largely for reference/record. Sometimes I move at item from the former type of list to the latter, but want a link left behind.

It's quite likely this is far too niche a feature to be worth implementing, but "if you don't ask you don't get" ;)


  1. Hello, this is a good idea. Possibly, this could be an option in the 'mm' dialog, and in fact, such an option would make 'xx' command redundant.

    All of this close to the dynamic sublists --, but I need some noticeable time to implement it, though it is quite doable.

    Your request is definitely more simple to implement, I'll add it to our 'snacks' list but won't give any promises. We have some stuff to fix in the Checkvist Mobile now.

    Thanks again, - Embed existing lists/sublists, not just hyperlinks (similar to symlinks). Was: checklist of checklists

  2. Cool -- very pleased with so many recent 'snacks', so can hardly complain if we don't get everything we might ideally like immediately.

  3. Love the snacks too, feels like a lot of progress!

  4. Yes, this could a good and relatively way to maintain duplicates of an item. If Ctrl-D or an alternate made a copy and also created links of the two items to each other, we could move one of them to another list or another place in the same list but keep the connection.

  5. Kirill Maximov The symlinks approach would be ideal, but my suggestion may be a simpler one -- just mutual links between two items, without simultaneous updating.

  6. Thanks Charles Heckscher , now I see. Mutual links require work on the similar infrastructure under the hood as the real symlinks, so probably we'll try to implement them.


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