#1 Monday update: Onboarding

#1 Monday update: Onboarding

How much onboarding does a new customer need? Where is a line between 'not clear yet' and 'stop bothering me'?

Checkvist has a rather simple onboarding - we are trying to explain the 'keyboard centric' concept of the app in a series of pop-up hints during a 'test drive'.

HotJar monitoring shows that about 46% of all people who clicked 'Try now without registration' on the homepage are our target audience -- 'keyboarders' and confident users of outlining software. Still, we have only ~20% registration rate - where are the rest 26%?

According to HotJar, temporary users are looking for 'pro' features - like attachments or multiselection. Seeing that they have to a) register first, and then b) start a free trial, they simply leave.

With this update we allow temporary users to test all features, including 'pro' ones.

Also, we've squeezed in a couple of new popup hints with small animation to demonstrate how list style works.

A (short) time will tell, whether this changes anything :)

And for those who have read that far - What is a perfect onboarding for you? Examples? Have you played with Checkvist before signing up? Any suggestions?


  1. Many.. quite all.. todo/task_manager/.. apps use the same schema: free lifetime plan for a limited number of features (no attachment and/or fixed number of tasks and/or no email2task feature, ... For me, this is counterproductive because all these limitations must be the standard package of all todo/gtd/.. apps.
    For me, the best approach is, as you want to do, allow temporary users to test all features BUT (1) limit the number of lists that you can create (nobody can't do a serious work with only one or two lists) (2) forbid all kind of export and share

  2. Agree on awkwardness of the limited free plan. But restricting sharing and export is just as bad as other feature restricting...
    What we are thinking of is removing the free plan at all, with prolonging the test period to 30 and 60 days, if needed.

    A 'starting' PRO plan will cost smth like 19/year, and the 'advanced' PRO plan will feature more team work and integration goodness.

    But that's not in the immediate plans - yet :)


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