Is versioning planned? That, and a diff, could kill google docs for collaboration (for me)


  1. Hi, this is one of the most voted requests (I've seen you've voted), but we don't have close plans or any estimates to implement it yet.

    Checkvist offers daily backup of all of your lists in the PRO plan, but this is mostly for backup and not suitable for document comparison, for instance.

  2. Kirill Maximov argh, that's a pity. For a (crappier overall) product that does this ok look at They have a timeline that one can drag to go to past versions.

    I imagine that would take serious architectural changes that may not work at all for checkvist. Something simpler would go a long way though.

    This is closely linked to undo (my guess). It we could save the undo history on a task, that would be wonderful too.

    Let's be honest, writing is mostly about battling with revisions :) This part is not well supported in checkvist, even though I adore mostly everything else.

  3. Hello Jose Quesada, thanks a lot for the reference to and nuclino. We'll definitely take a look when we'll be going to implement it. Unfortunately, cannot promise anything regarding timeframe.

    Thanks again,

  4. One other thought: you guys have the sleleton for a chat app. If every 'task' is now a message, you are almost there. The main difference is that history is immutable in a chat. But I'm really tempted to use it like this for a while. It's already better than most chat offerings

    You would need to provide some simple user management though. This may help getting in the 'business' market, one company pays for a group of people. This is not possible now, right?

    And don't forget emojis :P Just kidding.

  5. Hello Jose, thanks for the suggestion, but at the moment we don't plan to add chat communications. Checkvist has quite a different focus. But, you're not alone in your request :)

    Regarding the user management, Checkvist offers some simple group plans and offers list sharing in batches:

    As for emojis, you can use UTF emojis, read more in the comments to this request:

    Thanks :)


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