I'm new to Checkvist, but it seems I've stumbled upon a bug.

I'm new to Checkvist, but it seems I've stumbled upon a bug. When you press `dr` the app open 'Due repeat' dialog, then I try to move keyboard focus to 'How often' with `Tab` key. It is moved okay, but after 1-2 second the element loses the focus. The same happens with 'Pause' and other buttons. However it works fine for text inputs elements like 'Start'/'Stop' and radio buttons.

I tried it in Chrome and Firefox. The results are the same. `dd` Due dialog works fine.


  1. Hello, thanks a lot for the quality bug report :) Please take a look on how it works at beta.checkvist.com - Checkvist: Keyboard-centric outliner and task manager - we should have it fixed.

  2. It works. Thanks for the quick fix.


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