Hi there, I love checkvist but I just came across a strange problem.

Hi there, I love checkvist but I just came across a strange problem.

I went to copy a list I made to use as a template for a similar use, and as I was directed to the next created list I started making changes to the new one, and went into the old one only to find that all of it was deleted except the header!

I frantically went to the new list and it was fine with the new changes I made to it. Going back to the old list I see that it actually completely disappeared from my lists!

Luckily I had the old (now empty) list in another tab and the last version of it I had archived so its still there in the tab atleast, so I still have my hours of work on there...

I happen to be using it without the upgraded version and was just wondering if that function is only functional with the upgrade? Also just to clarify, I know there is an option that says "Move Tasks" that deletes the original but I definitely have it unselected. Thanks!


  1. Hi Stile Theriault,

    I'm sorry you faced such a problem. It is really strange, we haven't heard about such issues. When you make a copy (not move) for each item from the original list its copy is created in the new list, and original item stays intact. When you move, original items are moved to the new list.

    Could you give URLs of the lists so we could investigate more? I will take a look at the logs. So far I only suppose that you accidentally did move instead of copy.

    Another option is that someone else removed items from your list if it was shared, but it is probably not the option.

    Another thing. If you delete a list item, you can restore it within 24 hours with 'rd' (restore deleted) command.

    I'm not sure if you have Checkvist PRO plan, but in this case you'd be able to backup your lists.

    Kind regards,


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