Suggestion: Like in Workflowy, it would be great if every item would be able to become a heading with the next level...

Suggestion: Like in Workflowy, it would be great if every item would be able to become a heading with the next level of items becoming the top level list items.


  1. Hi, probably you're talking about hoist/focus feature. It should be available with Shift+Right keyboard shortcut. Is it what you're looking for?

  2. First, to to be clear, this is the best todo/organizer I've seen in the wild. At least, according to my needs :) Also, Checkvist convinced me not to start my own long term project to create something I need :)

    Yes, by accident I've realized it by accident (and, at the same time for a minute I was horrified because I thought I lost all data I put there :) ).

    But it would be good to have a kind of rearranging headings (or at least that as the option).

    For example, if it's about a simple list item, it should become H1 and the subitems should be regular items. But if it's, for example, H3, it should become H1 and every H4 should become H2...

    BTW, I like headings, as well :)

  3. Hello Milos Rancic,

    Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad that you can now save your time for more interesting projects :)

    Regarding the accidental focus - this is a real usability problem, and I hope we'll address it in coming releases. The similar problem we have with the 'hc' keyboard shortcut, which hides the completed item.

    Regarding the heading re-arrangement. We have a keyboard shortcut which toggles the heading on the selected list item - 'mh' (markdown header). The level of the header depends on the current level of the item in the hierarchy and on [Set the keyboard shortcut for the automatic Markdown heading to level] setting on your Checkvist settings page.

    What is important, that if you focus on some deep branch, the 'mh' shortcut considers the top visible item as the first level and 'mh' shortcut behaves appropriately. I.e. it can remove the current heading level, and add new one according of combination of focus level + setting value.

    Also, Checkvist provides bulk selection, so you can change headings on several levels at once.

    I suppose, these features may help you to change heading levels the way you want?


  4. Thanks! I will test the shortcuts.

    At this moment, I have one note: if I used SHIRT-RIGHT once to focus one item and then used it again in the already focused list, SHIFT-LEFT should lead to the previous focus, not to the main list (something like SHIFT-CTRL-LEFT should lead to the main list).

    And I will definitely "spam" you with the suggestions for new features :)

  5. Hello Milos Rancic,

    Thanks for the suggestion. Actually, it was requested before but I could not implement a quick fix that time.

    I've added this request to our uservoice forum, please vote to watch for update: - Shift+Left should unfocus to the previously focused level

    Before spamming, consider checking first - probably the request is there already and you can comment on it :)



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