Suggestion: It would be good if there would be an option to sort particular list by date.

Suggestion: It would be good if there would be an option to sort particular list by date. So, if i have an item that should be done tomorrow, it should go after the items which should be done today. With, preferably, headings which indicate when the tasks should be done. (#Today #Tomorrow #January 5th ...)


  1. Hi Milos Rancic, you can set due dates for your tasks with 'dd' keyboard shortcut (or with smart syntax at the end of the task text, like ^next monday). After that, you can use sort command ('ss' keyboard shortcut) to sort the list or a branch of the list.

    Also, there is a dedicated due page (see 'Due' link at the top of the UI)

    Would it work for you?

  2. Yes, I've realized that, as well. And it works partially. I mean, it works on the level that the application is useful for that purpose (red "today" and "yesterday" definitely help).

    But it would be good if you could create, for example, a list with "calendar" feature on, which would put the tasks into the appropriate days. (I suppose, provisional items (just calculated and visible) until used.) With some optional calendar interface, that would definitely replace the needs for any other calendar.

    And keep good work :)

    Wow! I've just seen "Due". That's almost what I was searching for :) Will check tomorrow and give you comments :)

  3. One note here: The lists inside of "Due" should be editable. If the lists are visible inside of Due, then the new items should be put inside of those lists. If not, then it should be placed inside of some default list.

    Also, if a superitem is due to the same date as its subitem, then the subitem should be nested inside of the superitem.

  4. You're definitely right. Currently it is possible to edit list items, add tags, due, but not add new items. We don't have such a request yet, but looks like a related one is, at least we considered adding working with sub-items in the scope of this request. - Support saved searches/dynamic lists


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