I like vi-like "jk" shortcuts.

I like vi-like "jk" shortcuts. And I like the fact that they work no matter if it's lowercase or capital letters (unlike programming, while you are writing, capital and lowercase letters are a kind of synonymous).

But I would like the other shortcuts as well. For example, I want SHIFT-G to be synonymous as SHIFT-LEFT. It's useful if there is no need to move the hands out of the keyboard.

In the other note, I would like to have regular expressions search and replace, as well. I understand it's tricky from the server perspective, but you could move that on JavaScript level and give a user opportunity to kill or not his or her own computer :)


  1. Hello Milos Rancic, we were requested to add keyboard shortcut customisation here: https://checkvist.uservoice.com/admin/forums/2121-general/suggestions/158283-custom-keyboard-shortcuts-ability-to-control-vim-

    As for search/replace - you can use a workaround to export to OPML, run search/replace in some text editor (and on your computer ;), and import OPML back. But unfortunately, it won't work across several lists. The corresponding request is checkvist.uservoice.com - search and replace

    Thanks for the feedback!


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