I'm really enjoying using Checkvist!

I'm really enjoying using Checkvist! It's a phenomenal program that suits my work style very well. Having a keyboard-centric task manager/outliner rocks!

Question: Is it possible to search for items that have no tags? Sometimes I may forget to tag something when entering it and I generally sort by tag each day to get that view.


  1. Hi Bob Freud

    No, there’s no way to filter by “no tags” at the moment.

    I asked a similar question about priorities here: plus.google.com - Filter by no color (color: 0) Hi +Kirill Maximov Using custom CSS I use a h...

    My problem is that I sometimes forget to add a tag from a group and need to search for items that have none of a number of tags. Hence I voted for this: https://checkvist.uservoice.com/forums/2121-checkvist-web/suggestions/2017839-allow-search-filter-by-tag-to-use-or-and-not


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