A nice surprise

A nice surprise

H Kirill Maximov,

I have just opened up Checkvist to find that, through no effort by me, there is a new icon-envelope-alt css styling applied to tasks sent by email showing an envelope next to each item.

How did I miss such a change? Was there anything else in a recent update that I should be aware of?




  1. Wow, Mark the Hawk Eye!
    The change went live yesterday evening (our usual server update time :) Here are the details: blog.checkvist.com - Android ‘Note to Self’ to Checkvist: voice command integration via email

  2. Hi Kirill Maximov,

    I have just noticed that presence of the new email "envelope" breaks the sub-list styling

    e.g. if I add "[1]" to a list item that was emailed into the list then the sub-list is not numbered.

    Any chance this could be fixed?

    Also, would it be possible to optionally hide the email envelope ?

  3. Hi Mark Dickens, the bug with [1] should be fixed now, thanks!

    As for hiding the envelope - I'd suggest copying text of the item into a freshly created one as a workaround. No other ways yet, sorry.

  4. I would like to use the URL for an Office365 email in a Zapier Zap. How would I go about getting the envelope icon added to the template used in the Zap to signify that the resulting Checkvist item came from an email?


  5. Glenn Johnson Checkvist shows the icon when the item is added via e-mail. I.e. your Zap should send an e-mail to the Checkvist list address, using "Add task via e-mail" feature of Checkvist. I think Zapier should be able to send e-mails.
    Hope this helps,

  6. Kirill Maximov I was hoping to be able to use the icon directly in the Zapier template without going through an extra email step. I suppose another way of doing this is to use the hidden tag and icon method and add the tag to the template.


  7. Hello +Glenn Johnson, unfortunately, there is no such a possibility at the moment. We can add it at some point, but I cannot promise any specific estimates.

    What you can do now is to automatically add a #from_zapier to the zapier-added items and use CSS styling to mark those items somehow: checkvist.com - Checkvist customization (CSS samples) - outlined in Checkvist


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