I seem to have found a serious issue.

I seem to have found a serious issue. Between the full "desktop" version (checkvist.com), and the mobile version (m.checkvist.com), the same list shows different tasks and in different states. Gets worse when I access the mobile version from different devices.
See below, 3 versions, from 3 devices, taken at the same time, all showing different things...


  1. Thanks a lot, we will investigate. The m.checkvost.com does not detect external changes when list already open, this may be related to the inconsistency. But why the added item on the device was not synchronized with the main site is a question.

  2. I have the same issue, the sync between my mobile version and the desktop isn't working! Interestingly it stopped working, then (without me doing anything noticable) it started syncing again and now it has stopped syncing again

  3. Mattias Johnson Sorry for the problem. Do you also use iOS?

  4. Kirill Maximov No I use it on a Galaxy S8

  5. Mattias Johnson Could you describe in more detail what you mean "stopped synching"? Which exactly changes do not sync, and how UI looks like when it does not sync? Have you tried pulling down the m.checkvist.com - Checkvist Mobile UI to force refresh?


  6. Here is a part of my todo list on mobile and desktop. I've added items to both lists which do not show on the other. When I add something to the mobile version it says I'm offline when I'm in fact online (although the red cloud icon goes away if I refresh)

  7. Thanks, Mattias Johnson, I'm adding more debug logging to the app to be able to investigate such problems. Without logs it is really hard to figure out what could be wrong :(

  8. Kirill Maximov Today on the mobile version I pressed the "home button" to view all my list and then for some mysterious reason it started syncing again!

  9. I actually found the same thing. In the mobile app, syncing happens more
    consistently when I leave the current list and go the home button, but not
    when I stay in the (one and only) list I have. It's a workaround, but far
    from ideal!

  10. Hello guys, I hope I've fixed the problem and updated m.checkvist.com with the fix. Please let me know if you notice the issue again.


  11. I think I hit the same issue. I made some notes on my mobile a few days ago. I checked this morning on the desktop, the notes were not there. Tried to refresh on both desktop and mobile but they insisted on their own versions. Then I pressed the home icon on my mobile, showing the lists overview and the red sync cloud icon. Then navigated back to the list where I made the nodes and saw them all disappear one by one. So now I lost my notes :(
    It seems the changes made on the mobile app do not get merged to the server version? It just overrides local changes with the remote state.

  12. Hello Thijs Schnitger, Could it be that you made your notes on mobile with the old version of the app? What is the version shown on Settings -> About?

  13. Thijs Schnitger Looks like it is the recent version :(

    Have you added notes on the top-level, or as subitems? If you added items to the parent which was removed from the server before synching, this could be a source of the problem.

  14. Both top-level items and subitems to existing items really. Honestly I think there's a problem with the phone app not synching when there really is a connection. Whether this is due to my phone or the app, I couldn't say.

  15. Thijs Schnitger Thank you for the details. Checkvist mobile at the moment syncs only when you interact with UI, change the pages, etc. So if you offline, you have to sync (with cloud icon) after going online. Looks like we have a bug there, we need to investigate more :(

    We've added some debug logging to the app, so if you notice the problem again, please enable debug session on the profile page of Checkvist Mobile app, and click "Send log to developers". Possibly this will give an additional clue what is going on.

    Sorry for the problem,


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