Hi! There's a little bug regarding accented Spanish vocals (like á, ó and so).

Hi! There's a little bug regarding accented Spanish vocals (like á, ó and so).

Suppose I'm entering one task with the content "Cerrar discusión".

If I move the keyboard cursor over the word "discusión" and press "Ctrl-B" to put it in bold style, the editor enters "**discusi**ón", but it must be "**discusión**". The application wrongly assumes that the word ends in the 'ó'.

Greetings from Spain!


  1. Hello Ricardo Pérez López!

    I just tried to reproduce the bug, but it works correctly in my case. But I'm on a Mac, with Chrome browser. Which browser/OS do you use?


  2. Hi, Kirill Maximov!

    I'm using an Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS with a Chrome browser. May I provide you with some more info? Thanks in advance.

  3. Looks like I need to install Ubuntu :). If you can provide more details - of course, kirsa@checkvist.com


  4. Ricardo Pérez López, I've reproduced the problem.
    Unfortunately, the fix looks really tough and complicated, and requires to make Checkvist more heavy for other people :(

    As a workaround, you can place cursor at the beginning of the word, press Alt+Shift+Right, and this should select the word till its end. After that you can press Ctrl+B. Would it work for you?


  5. Kirill Maximov, yes, that's a workaround which works well. Sorry to hear there's no better solution, but anyway this isn't a great problem. Thanks to you for your superb software!


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