Is there a hotkey (or similar) to insert the current date or timestamp in a task description?

Is there a hotkey (or similar) to insert the current date or timestamp in a task description? Something like ^today for due dates. Thanks!


  1. Hi, there is no such a shortcut. Why would you want it?

    We have such a request in our uservoice database, but we don't have close plans to implement it so far:


  2. Hi again, Kirill Maximov:

    The plan is to use a Checkvist list to implement a a journal/log so each entry corresponds to one day, with the date (year-month-day) as the label entry and subitems/notes for the details.

    Maybe there's a better approach to do that?

    Thanks again.

  3. For such a case I use a log with top-level nodes as months (2017-01) and subnodes - days. So I just create a subnode with the current day and enter details below. Never wanted to have any extra shortcuts with such a solution.
    By the way, here is a blog post from one of our friends and customers which you may find useful: - Organizing my week with Checkvist

  4. Looks great, thanks again Kirill Maximov!

  5. I'm using keyboard shortcuts to insert current date or timestamp a lot. Not only inside Checkvist. My choice was PhraseExpress on Windows, and TextExpander on Mac. There are other tools that can do it as well.


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