I keep repasting a task when I want to paste a new task.

I keep repasting a task when I want to paste a new task. I find myself repeatedly pressing Ctrl+X, then pasting a task somewhere else with Ctrl+V (Windows). Then I select a new task and attempt the same thing. The selected task is shown dimmed and italicized, yet what I paste is the preceding task.

Anyone else have this happen? Any suggestions to avoid it?



  1. Hello Orson,

    Do you have repeating steps to reproduce this problem? Unfortunately, I cannot, it works as expected for me, i.e. the newly selected task is pasted.


  2. I'll try this some more, and see what happens. Also, I should say I wonder if my chosen browser could have anything to do with it. I'm not using Chrome, I'm using Vivaldi (from the makers of Opera).

    Is it considered best to use something like Chrome, IE, or Firefox for Checkvist?

  3. Basically, Checkvist should work with any recent browser, and Vivaldi should work as well. We're trying to use only standardized API, whenever possible.Vivaldi should work as well - it is based on a modern engine.

  4. Thanks for the info. I'll see if something else seems related when this starts happening. It rarely happens. So not a huge problem.

  5. Happens also in Chrome. Don't know the conditions yet. (I'm avoiding cut/paste as much as I can because of this and rather move.)

  6. Guys, if you notice the problem the next time, I'd appreciate if you send us a copy of Javascript console (Right click->Inspect->Console tab->Right click->Save as...). I hope this will help to investigate the problem.


  7. Yes, I've had this happen fairly often -- I need to reload the page to straighten it out. I'll try to remember to save the Javascript output.


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