I am amazed almost daily by the thoughtful little things that make CheckVist extremely quick and easy -- I am not...

I am amazed almost daily by the thoughtful little things that make CheckVist extremely quick and easy -- I am not distracted by the interface when I want to get thoughts down. Nothing else that I've tried touches it.

A question: is it possible to make a copy of a list while preserving the time stamps? -- Either copying in Checkvist of by exporting would do. (When I copy, it sets all the items to the time of the copy action.) I sometimes use the time stamps to sync to a recorded talk or interview; I would like to be able to manipulate the outline without destroying the time information.


  1. Hello Charles Heckscher,

    Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment. Checkvist records every modification of a list item (including the creation of a new copy), for stuff like "changed: nn" to work correctly (and for search indexing as well). Restoring from OPML is also considered an explicit operation and timestamps are not preserved.

    Could you probably use some explicit mark of the time in this case, use some tag or text?

    Sorry for not being flexible enough.

  2. No problem, it's quite reasonable -- my use case is pretty unusual (and I don't know all the difficulties of coding!). Would it be possible just to make an option for restoration from OPML to preserve the timestamps?

  3. Hello Charles, it is possible, though the same problem remains - search indexer won't work correctly for such imported list, and global search won't work with the current implementation :(

    I've added this request to UserVoice: checkvist.uservoice.com - Allow to import exported OPML keeping timestamps from OPML

    We'll have to show an appropriate warning for such option.


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