

When calculating estimated time, 1 day = 8 hours. Can this be changed or is there a setting to change it so 1 day = X hours, X set by me?

If not, I wonder if there's a setting to not convert 8 h into 1 day when calculating parent estimated time from the estimated time of its subtasks, so i.e. 4 h + 3 h + 2 h = 9 h, not "1d 1 h".

I'm a teacher, and my job day isn't 8 hours, but lower ;).

Thanks in advance!


  1. Hello Ricardo, sorry, the number of hours per day cannot be easily changed. But we plan to show the total number of hours (without division by days). It was also requested in this post: plus.google.com - Hi there! I've recently switched back to Checkvist after noticing you had im...

  2. Great! It could be great to have the total number of hours without division of days. I'll check often for that. If you need a betatester, just tell me ;). Thank you!


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