Hi. This is just features suggestion and moans.

Hi. This is just features suggestion and moans.

1) I can not sort lists by alphabet in mobile version. Only by last update. This is horrible.

2) I can not sort lists manually in any version of checkvist. This is sadly.

3) One of most important advantages of checkvist is fast feedback of user interface (time between user input and application respond). In the mobile version, this advantage is lost:
- slow first start. ~5 seconds.
- slow animation of bottom panel (pin, done, delete). It moves ~ 0.5 sec. This animation is unwanted

4) Mobile widget will be very useful


  1. Hi Roman Dyachenko... can you explain what you mean by #2? I sort my lists manually all the time...

  2. Jim McGuire Not list of tasks.
    List of lists on homepage.

  3. Hello Roman Dyachenko,

    We've made an update of m.checkvist.com, I hope it will work a bit faster now :)

    Thanks again for your feedback,
    m.checkvist.com - Checkvist Mobile


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