Can I change priority color?

Can I change priority color? I want to use 1,2,3 to change background color to Red, Blue, Green and 4,5,6 to change font color.


  1. Hello,

    At the moment it is possible only via custom CSS in Advanced settings of Checkvist. We plan to offer an option to customize colors: - Add more color options other then just red, green and blue.

    This issue contains some tweaks for the colors created by other people.


  2. Thanks.

    Couple of questions:
    1. Will custom CSS have performance impact for on long lists?
    2. Are following CSS items documented somewhere?
    - - div.coreDiv span.afterTask.dueDate.overdue
    - - span.bg3 a.afterTask.assignee
    - - div.coreDiv .tagClass_19,a.tagClass_19

  3. 1. No
    2. No documentation, and these rules can change in the future. We do not guarantee full CSS compatibility with the future changes on the site.
    - Overdue due date mark near a task
    - Assignee link near task with priority 6 (green background)
    - Change of a custom color for a tag (in PRO plan tags can be colored, and here is some custom color is overriden)


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