Small feature suggestion:

Small feature suggestion:

When you have a nested list, you can use left arrow to navigate onto the parent node. That's easy and great. When there is a list of items (on the top layer), you have to manually press up arrows repeatedly to go to the top of the list.

It would be great just to press left and go to the top of the listed items. So in the screenshot below, pressing left to land on "Career" node.


  1. Isn't that what Home does?

  2. Xavier B, yes, it is. But the suggestion from John Obfuscated makes sense as well. On the other hand, I have not met such behaviour in other apps and accidental pressing "left" may change the context in an unpredictable way. So we probably won't add it yet.

  3. Kirill Maximov Well, if you press left arrow accidentally anywhere else, focus would jump on the top of the list anyway. Why should it be different for the top layer? : )

    I would argue that consistency of functionality throughout a product is important for ease of use. I find myself pressing left arrow a few times before saying "oh.... left arrow doesn't work at this level".

    Maybe I should be pressing home + ctrl + shift + left arrow. Pressing left repeatedly is much easier though. Because you won't need to learn a 4 key shortcut just to get on top of the list.

  4. > Well, if you press left arrow accidentally anywhere else, focus would jump on the top of the list anyway. Why should it be different for the top layer? : )

    Because it is not obvious given that on top level, there is no a parent task to set focus to. If we'd supported selection on list name, it would make more sense. For people who get used to the current behavoiur would be really inconvenient when selection (and scrolling) would go up when they did not want it to.

    As for home + ctrl + shift + left - you should just press home. No need for extra other buttons, if you have Home :)


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