From the main Tags screen, when a tag is selected, a list is generated of items with that tag.

From the main Tags screen, when a tag is selected, a list is generated of items with that tag. The list is in the order that the items were entered, from first entered to last entered. Is it possible to have the list of items appear in the order the items are currently in the list? Thank you.


  1. Hello Alan,

    Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment. I suppose the closest request to what you ask for is, please add a comment there. Unfortunately, I cannot promise that we'll implement it soon.

    What you can also do is to press 'gg' (or click) on the list name in the search results, in this case this list will be opened with the active filter by the tag you searched at the first place.

    Hope this helps, - Add an option to show task hierarchies on search pages

  2. Ok. Thanks KIR for the explanation and further idea. Yes, it helps!


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