For all VIM users, I've created an extension to get some features into Checkvist...

For all VIM users, I've created an extension to get some features into Checkvist

It's implemented on top of the existing Checkvist shortcuts so it has some caveats but it works. Right now, it adds:

l - Expand node (same as `→`)
L - Focus the list item (same as `Shift →`)
h - Collapse node (same as `←`)
H - Un-focus the list item (same as `Shift ←`)
o - Add below (same as `enter`)
O - Add above (same as `alt+enter`)
G - Go to the last item in the tree (same as `End` or `Fn+Down`)
alt+g alt+g - Go to the first item in the tree (same as `Home` or `Fn+Up`)

For more info you can check


  1. Thanks for sharing!

    Personally, for me the problem is that I got used to use the 'll' shortcut to switch between lists, and I suppose with your extension this behaviour would be broken. Some other shortcuts, like 'hh', 'oo' are less important, but list switching with ll is essential.

    Thanks again!

  2. Kirill Maximov What I did to fix the 'll' problem is adding a little interval (~150ms) before running expand.

    So if I press 'll' quickly, the list wont be expanded and the list modal pops up. But if I press only the 'l' key, the expand command runs.

    It works pretty well for most cases. In the code, I've patched the `resetUnmatched` function on my custom matches, so they don't reset the default ones.

  3. Nicolás Santángelo That's a good idea - I mean it :) I hope your extension would be useful for VIM-lovers, and there are quite some among Checkvist customers.

    Thanks again!

  4. I find myself wanting to use fold commands like zo and zd to open and close nodes but l and h are a good fit.


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