Hello friends! I'd like to ask for your opinion regarding multi-line text editing. This suggestion comes from one of our Russian-speaking customers Dolina Zamkova so here is a translated abstract of our email conversation. Current problem: When you write multi-line text, you must press 'Shift-Enter' first, then use 'Enter' to start a new line, then 'Ctrl-Enter' to submit the text. Wouldn't it be easier to have a setting that will allow using Enter to always write multi-line texts, and always submit on 'Ctrl-Enter', like you do it in text messengers? So we could add a new account-wide setting, on the Settings page: () Finish editing by pressing 'Ctrl-Enter' (convenient for multi-line text) What do you think? Do you write multi-line texts in Checkvist at all? Other thoughts of how we could make it better? :)
Hello Paul,
ReplyDeleteI just tried to reproduce it and it worked as expected, i.e. the line breaks are preserved. Could you probably give some more details, maybe URL of the list and exact sequence of your actions?
Thanks for fast reply.
ReplyDeleteI simply select "more actions" then "export all" then OPML and make sure
that notes are checked. Subsequently i pressed the "copy and close" button.
After your reply i tried using ctrl-c instead of the button and it actually
worked, the escape swquences for chars 10 and 13 were now included in
copied text and reimport preserved the line breaks, so I'm happy!
But try using the copy and close gui button and I think the problem may be
reproduced, otherwise its something at my end, but i got the same on both
my win 10 computer with firefox and android tablet with chrome.
As for reimport, i create new list, press enter in default title, then
click on the import data link below the title and paste the text into the
window that pops up.
Great outliner btw, I love it!
Best regards,
Hello Paul,
ReplyDeleteThanks for more details! I believe I've fixed the issue, the fix is available on beta.checkvist.com - Checkvist: Online outliner and task manager for geeks site. I hope we'll update the main production server this week.
Thanks again!