Love checkvist! Thank you so much for creating it.

Love checkvist! Thank you so much for creating it.

I appreciate the j/k movement keys, but I would love it if I had h/l (and H/L to substitute for shift-left/shift-right) as then I could dispense with the arrow keys altogether.

Any possibility of a vim-mode setting where:
- hkjl as movement keys
- H/L are the equivalent of shift-left/shift-right
- gg jumps to top of list (current gg behavior to :e/:vs (new tab) perhaps )
- G jumps to bottom
- ctrl-u does what page up currently does
- ctrl-d does what page down current does
- u is undo
- yy to cut
- pp to paste

If the ability to remap shortcuts were available, I would absolutely do it myself. Would be happy to help if there were any way for me to do so.

Thanks again for an awesome product!


  1. Hello Paul,

    Thanks a lot for the kind words :)
    Unfortunately, there is no way to set up custom keyboard shortcuts now, but you can vote for this issue: - Custom keyboard shortcuts (ability to control VIM style)

    By the way, where did you know about Checkvist?


  2. - Is there a good WorkFlowy alternative?

    The fact that you are/were a developer at jetbrains (ideavim is solid) made a big difference in my willingness to try the software. I will admit that workflowy is more aesthetically pleasing (which matters), but it certainly is less flexible (esp on a free account) than checkvist.

    Given how long exposing keyboard shortcut customization has been languishing on the feature voting platform, I'll just go ahead and assume it won't happen. Voted anyways, for what it's worth.

    Will keep giving it a go, I think I will need to just ignore the fact that that the j/k shortcuts exist, otherwise I'll start reaching for h/l and end up on the homepage. Hopefully this won't be a pain point in a week or two.

  3. Hello Paul, thanks for the answer. The customization issue is a long-standing one, you're right. But you probably understand that the prioritizing is a hard matter, and you should always balance the difficulty of the implementation and benefit from it. This customization is feasible but is not that beneficial yet. I hope one day we'll make some UI customisation fixes and maybe we'll provide keyboard customization as well.

    Thanks for the quora link. I'm still JetBrains employee, working on TeamCity project there.

  4. Perfectly reasonable. I am acutely aware of how niche this feature would be which is why I rather despair it will ever get to the top of your queue. Just being realistic :) And at the end of the day, it is my fault for being so overly reliant on specific shortcut paradigms (i.e., vim/vimium).


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