It would be great to have a shortcut (I suggest "rf") to refresh a filter.

It would be great to have a shortcut (I suggest "rf") to refresh a filter. My daily review workflow is to search for ^today, postpone some tasks to tomorrow or later in the week, and when I'm done I would like to be able to type "rf" to refresh the filter quickly to see what I've got left.

My current workaround is to go back to the filter, add a character, wait a bit, and then remove it - but it's not as convenient as a quick shortcut.


  1. Can't you just refresh the browser, leaving all settings as they are?

  2. Sure I can, it takes forever though - hence the request. I;m looking for a quick refresh.

  3. It looks like a performance problem on the Checkvist side. How much this 'forever' takes? How large your list is?

  4. Large lists of mine take some time. A little over 4.000 tasks take approx. 4-5 seconds XHR, then a few seconds to process, ready after approx. 9 seconds.

  5. For a full refresh (F5 to redisplay) it takes about 6-7 seconds, compared to my current workaround (hoist into an item, then hoist back) takes 1-2 seconds - and I'm guessing that's because it's done via JavaScript instead of having to do a round trip to the server.

  6. Ralf Hauber Thanks a lot for the details. We could add some caching of the lists on the browser, to avoid initial delay + there is some room for rendering optimization (do not render collapsed items). I hope to address this in this uservoice issue: - Slow if there are > 1000 items in the list

    Xavier B Is hoist/un-hoist is a suitable workaround for you? Personally, I'm trying to avoid using large lists and I have multiple lists for different contexts.

  7. hoist/un-hoist seems OK, I found that workaround after my initial post :)

    Have voted on the idea.

  8. I guess large lists are rather an exception (Kirill Maximov might have stats), so I don't complain. With some care (workarounds) and a fast processor it's ok. However, performance improvements are always welcome. :)


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