I'm a little confused about how best to use the app on iOS devices, specifically iPad.

I'm a little confused about how best to use the app on iOS devices, specifically iPad. (I have an iPhone as well, but one thing at a time.) I love the way Checkvist works on my laptop, with the keyboard; but how does it work with a touchscreen? The iOS keyboard disappears unless an active data entry area is active - so I can't type enter to add a new item unless I'm already in an item.

I saw mention somewhere that iPad users could use the regular web version of the app, and that some enhancements had been added for touchscreens. I'm missing something somewhere.


  1. My advice is that you do not try to use the web version on a tablet or phone. It's an exercise in frustration, and you'll find yourself accidentally marking items "complete" as you attempt to swipe down the page. It's really just something to avoid, IMO.

    There is a mobile site, thankfully, which is still being developed. You need to sign in separately, at m.checkvist.com - Checkvist Mobile

  2. I tried that out. It's much easier to manage basic adding of list items. But I don't see how to get some of the useful views (like Due) in the mobile app. My apologies if this is retreading old ground.

  3. Tad Davis the mobile app doesn't yet filter by due date but I expect it's coming soon.

    In this situation (not often) on my phone I use the full/desktop site.


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