Any Toggl users here?

Any Toggl users here?

I'm putting together an integration so the toggl (Chrome extension) button ( is displayed for tasks on a Checkvist list.

It's dead simple (a few lines of javascript), but I'm slightly torn on the best way to handle one aspect: whether or not toggl is shown for a particular list. It can't be always-on, as it adds too much clutter for non-projecty lists (who wants a timer button for the carrots on their grocery list?).

What I have now is that if any task on a list is tagged #toggl, then all tasks on that list will have the toggl button. A few alternatives I canvassed were:

- display toggl buttons only on subtasks of a task tagged with #toggl
- display toggl buttons only on focused (hoisted) tasks
- find some other way to indicate that all of a list's tasks should have the button, eg. something encoded in the list's name

I think what I have now is the most convenient of these (I don't want to have to housekeep lists too much), but if anyone here uses Toggl, let me know what you think.


  1. Yes please Crispin! Toggl integration with Checkvist would be AWESOME!

    Totally agree about clutter. Checkvist screen can be a bit busy

  2. I've submitted it to the Toggl folks. They've asked for some changes which I'll get to as soon as I can. So it's definitely on the way (for Chrome anyway; I'll have a look at Firefox in due course).

  3. Crispin Bennett Chrome is good for me at least :) Can't wait!

  4. Cool. I'll post here when it's publicly available.

  5. Hello Crispin Bennett, I don't use toggl, but looks like it is an interesting integration :).

    Have you considered looking into list name and see if it is tagged #toggl?

    In JS, you can get tags on the list name with

  6. Kirill Maximov That's a good idea, and thanks for the implementation hint (I'm a mere Android dev, and have to look up everything I try in javascript).

    But it's turned out that the Toggl guys don't like the tag idea (they find it undiscoverable). They've asked instead that I implement it such that the Toggl button appears on hover (and then of course stays there once toggled 'on'). That eliminates the visual clutter without having to explain to the user how to enable Toggl for individual lists.

    So that's my next step.

  7. Crispin Bennett Thanks, I see. Discoverability is important, that's true. On the other hand, it is important to make sure that this button does not appear when it is not needed, i.e. its showing should be delayed, I believe.
    If I can help somehow - please let me know, you can write

  8. Hi Crispin Bennett, beavering away here in Checkvist and constantly thinking about how great Toggl integration would be. How's it going?

  9. Hey Mark Dickens -- I'm still on it. The Toggl guys requested changes in the way my first stab was implemented. The changes would probably be a 15 minute job for a web programmer, which I'm not, so a bit longer in my case. Have a few personal and work fires to fight first but will get back to it (it's something I want myself). I'll post back here when I have some news.

  10. Hi Crispin Bennett, sorry if this feels like harassment :)

    Any news here?



  11. Mark Dickens No it's perfectly reasonable to ask -- I posted about it here after all! The truth is I dropped the ball on it for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Toggl guys asked me to make some changes that I didn't know how to do, and that required a bit of research I didn't get around to. Then secondly a while after that I stopped using Toggl (for unrelated reasons).
    I dislike leaving half-done project remnants around though so I'll take a look next weekend. If it looks tractable I'll have a crack at it. If not, I'll post an appeal for help here with some details.
    Thanks for the reminder Mark.

  12. No worries Crispin Bennett , I'm happy to pitch in if you need help

  13. Also Crispin Bennett I'd be interested to know what you're using instead of Toggl

  14. Mark Dickens - I'm using a (native, local) mac app called Tyme2. It has a slightly eccentric UI but has 2 features that make it very useful for me: (1) a fast and tolerably well-designed keyboard-centric clock in/out dialogue and (2) a system for exporting (csv / json etc) that can automatically mark exported items as billed.

    Toggl is good in many ways (in particular great reporting), but I don't like the mac client, and it needs a lot of work to integrate with billing.

    What I'd really love is a system that flexibly integrates estimates, issue tickets, time tracking and billing. Nothing quite fits my needs but then they are a bit idiosyncratic (solo freelance/contract software development). So I'm gradually tying together a rough mash-up of tools for my own use. I'm occasionally tempted to put together a real product with a very simple estimate -> ticket -> track time -> invoice workflow. But it would require a hefty time investment

  15. Hey Mark Dickens -- I disinterred the project for a quick look. Not good news as the working model I had (and was using at the time) is now failing. Something must have changed in the Chrome extensions or Toggl API somewhere, and I don't have the time to investigate right now. Motivation is admittedly a bit limp as I'm not using Toggl myself any more.

    The pull request I made at the time is at:
    The Toggl guys asked me to implement the toggl button appearing on hover rather than the original approach of identifying toggl-able items with a #toggl tag.

    Apologies for leaving this hanging.


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