Strange, minor mobile bug
Strange, minor mobile bug
Attached are two screenshots. Both show the same Checkvist list (InBox) on desktop and mobile.
The desktop shows 2 items whereas my mobile shows 4 items 2 of which have a margin line. Searching for these 2 rogue items in the desktop yields nothing (presumably, at some point they have been deleted)
I can delete such items and whilst this is not a major problem it's a little disconcerting to see different items on mobile and deskop.

Attached are two screenshots. Both show the same Checkvist list (InBox) on desktop and mobile.
The desktop shows 2 items whereas my mobile shows 4 items 2 of which have a margin line. Searching for these 2 rogue items in the desktop yields nothing (presumably, at some point they have been deleted)
I can delete such items and whilst this is not a major problem it's a little disconcerting to see different items on mobile and deskop.

Hello, 2 extra items on mobile are temporary items which were added on mobile app (in offline mode) but were not synchronized with the server. I'd appreciate if you describe in an e-mail how this happened, so I could reproduce this case.
Had another quick look at this today. The rogue items seem to be appearing when my home *internet connectivity is poor*.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I can do to prevent these items?
To remove these items, at the moment I'm having to copy the item content in the mobile app to a new item which is a real pain.
Aha. I'll debug this case with poor internet connectivity. Just in case - if you see those rogue items, do you also see normally added items? If so, it should be sufficient to delete items with that extra line on the left side.
ReplyDeleteI'll try to explain. When Checkvist adds an item, it adds a temporary item locally first, on the device (and this items is shown with the margin line). At the same time, it sends request to the server to add this new item there. When the request is successful, the new item is shown, and temporary item is deleted. If the server request is unsuccessful, you see only temporary item and "cloud" icon in the top right corner which indicates that there are non-synchronized changes.
Looks like in some situation such deletion does not work as expected, so you see the item with the margin line on the screen even after synchronization.
Does it make sense?
Kirill Maximov Yes, copying the item text, creating a new list item and deleting the rogue item works.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the explanation, it makes perfect sense.
Kirill Maximov I had a connectivity problem last night, initial/rogue item was showing as was the sync icon, I switched off WIFI and, having a 3G signal, hey presto! 3 sync'd items appeared :)
ReplyDeleteWow. 3 is better than none :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, I've created an issue in our uservoice forum describing the problem -
I'd appreciate if you add your vote there, to get notified when it is fixed.