I use the ability to link to a task by inserting a hyperlink that is shown with Task-Copy.

I use the ability to link to a task by inserting a hyperlink that is shown with Task-Copy. When I click on the link, I am taken to the linked task. What if I want to return to the task I just came from. Should I simply use the back button of the browser? Is there a better way?

Along these lines. Is there a way to temporarily "bookmark" or otherwise note a particular task. The use would be to note your current location in a list, then navigate as desired through any number of lists, then have the ability to use a "bookmark" type function to return to the point you started.

Thank you.


  1. Hello Alan,

    Yes, you can use browser 'back' button or browser keyboard shortcut for 'back' (for my browser, this is Cmd+[ ).

    As for temporary bookmark - since recent update you can use 'tc' shortcut - it will copy task URL to the clipboard. So you can open the task in new browser tab by pasting this URL from clipboard in browser location field.

    Hope this helps,


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