I am a difficult point with CheckVist and I have been researching many other solutions.

I am a difficult point with CheckVist and I have been researching many other solutions. Critical to me is to be able to get more information on the page through tighter line spacing and changing the font (and font size). I've asked before regarding this, but have only received very small snippets of code that didn't get me what I wanted. I don't do CSS/HTML/markdown. Seems as though the other tools I'm looking at have this "settings" capability

Been a paying member for years. Hate to say goodbye, but I'm near the end......


  1. Can you tell us more about how you are limited with too little information on the page? What is the use case for not having to scroll down?

  2. The use case is that I want to be able to see more information at a glance than current formatting allows. That's valuable;e to me. The current UI provides to much white space and I want to make the view more compact.

  3. Hello Brian, thanks a lot for using Checkvist all those years, but I'm afraid we cannot provide a good solution for you at the moment. We have plans to provide better UI customization for non-coders, but those plans are not very close ones.

    Another thing I think about which can make UI more compact is to zoom out the page with Ctrl+Minus (Cmd+Minus on Mac), but probably it is not quite what you need. Anyway, you can try it out.

    Thanks again,

  4. I've got a similar request. Checkvist is brilliant in so many ways (particularly input), but I'd love to have the list smaller and to the right of my screen, not just another browser tab. If I try and resize it narrow then the shortcuts appear above the list which seems strange. Some different/customisable visual outputs would be amazing.

  5. Hello James Sadri , try https://checkvist.com/iframe.html - may be this view will suit you better.


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