Does the bookmarklet look like this for everyone else, or just me?

Does the bookmarklet look like this for everyone else, or just me?

I've got the javascript bookmarklet on my toolbar (the "bookmarklet for any browser" not the chrome specific one) and this is how it looks when I call it.

Does everyone else see the full window? I've got my Win10 machine set to display text, apps, and other items at 125%, is this what's causing the problem?


  1. Hello Leslie, sorry for the problem, what browser do you use?
    It definitely does not look like how we would like it to.

    By the way, it should still work if you use Ctrl+Enter for submit.


  2. Kirill Maximov Sorry about the delay - I use Chrome.

    AND it seems to be fine now, on both my desktop and my laptop.

    Seriously, it was wrong on both, through multiple reboots and font size settings. Now it's fine on both.

    I have no idea how it got broken or how it got fixed - but it's good now, so....yay!


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