It would be really helpful if checkvist could respect unicode RTL while editing a task.

It would be really helpful if checkvist could respect unicode RTL while editing a task.

Some of my tasks are in Hebrew, which is a right-to-left language. This can make things awkward when editing tasks or notes that have mixed RTL and LTR text or numbers and symbols.

What I'd like is the following behavior:

* When entering edit mode in either single line or multiline tasks, the text direction should change from ltr to rtl ("direction" property in CSS) and align to the right. Usually, I believe, the proper direction is detected based on either explicit direction symbols in unicode or the directionality of the first non-numeric non-symbolic letter character.)
* When not in edit mode, the text should continue to align left on the outline by default, but it should still appear in the correct directionality.
* There should be an option to change the direction of an outline manually. Some lists are purely in Hebrew. I did a small experiment and manually changed the direction of the #tasks_block element to rtl and almost everything worked just fine. The only immediate issues I noticed are that expand/collapse with the left/right arrow keys has to be reversed, and the expand/collapse indicators have to move to the right. The # and @ symbols appear to the right of the names and tags they're attached to, but that might actually be a good thing.
* The list of lists should also have a similar option, separate from each list's individual setting.

I don't know how much effort is involved in adding this kind of support, but it would be very useful for any language that uses a right-to-left script, including Hebrew and Arabic and sometimes Chinese and Japanese, and others.

By the way, I don't know if there are any plans to localize the interface, but I'd be glad to help translate to Hebrew.


  1. Hello Noam Kfir, thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Unfortunately, we don't have resources to implement this in the near future. We had a request for RTL support for quite some time, but it is not very popular so we haven't looked at this direction a lot:

    And our resources are really limited, so we're trying to apply them to things which are more requested, like mobile support.

    Thanks again,


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