Decisions decisions!

Decisions decisions!

I'm at a crossroads with Checkvist.

One of the features that I am really missing is logic operators in filtering by tags.

Without it pinpointing what I want to find across lists or even in one large list is really hard.

This is the only thing that I miss from Todoist.

Are there any plans to add NOT, OR, AND operators to filtering?


  1. Hello Mark, we do have such plans, but I cannot give you estimates yet. By the way, are you interested in in-place filtering or in global search?


  2. Both, but definitely global as I have many lists

  3. Hi Kirill Maximov, hope you've had a great Christmas holiday.

    It's flying by for me and I'll soon be back at work but I have had a chance to think a bit more about my personal productivity system.

    I've looked at a dozen or so other systems to look for improvements I could make but nothing out there comes close to Checkvist at the moment.

    This is the only deal-breaker for me. Now that I've been using Checkvist for well over 6 months I have some pretty long lists so finding stuff is critical to me now.

    I really need logical operators for searching and filtering since at the moment I have to add far more tags than I want to achieve the granularity I need when filtering by tags. This is also error-prone.

    With dates nothing similar is possible and a major worry right now is finding stuff that hasn't been touched for a while is very crude (hence this request which really would help:

    Happy New Year to you, also happy to help in any way I can with new features! :) - Sort by Modified date ? Would it be possible to add a sort by modified date…

  4. Hello Mark Dickens, Happy New Year!

    Could you please explain what kind of requests would you like to make with the OR/NOT operators (the highest priority)? The matter is that this task is not easy to implement in generic form and it is not in our near plans. Maybe, there is a workaround for searches you want to do.


  5. There many filter combinations I would like to be able to use.

    The top two are:

    1. OR - an example would be where we are working with an external company and I want to find items I've tagged to individuals (I'm using tags rather than Checkvist delegation). So if Jane, John and Jim work for ACME software and I want to see just Jane and Jim's tasks I have no way of filtering for this. Also to see all of ACME software's tasks I need to add an extra #ACME tag whereas I could just filter by Jane or John or Jim.
    2. NOT An ACME tag could be useful where there are a LARGE number of people/tags in a logical group. In this case a filter such as this would be useful: ACME NOT Jim

    Will try to add more examples as I come across them.

  6. Hello Mark Dickens, thanks for the explanation. Do I understand correctly, that you're talking about case when you have several lists which contain both ACME tasks, and non-ACME tasks? May be, in this case having a single list for ACME project would be more correct - so you could move all relevant tasks there? Just a thought.

  7. Kirill Maximov Not quite, sorry, my explanation was not too good.
    If I want to see tasks of an individual person/tag I need to add that person's tag ... fine.
    But if I want to see all of the tasks of several people at the same company I have to add an additional tag for the company ... #ACME
    What I'd like to be able is to search for person A or person B or ... where the persons all work for ACME.

  8. Kirill Maximov Another really useful filtering logic feature for me would be to filter items not having any of a list of tags.

    I like to make sure that all items have context, person and effort tags so that in filtering by these tags I can ensure that I will see all of the valid items.

    This would give me much more confidence that I don't miss anything.

  9. I see, but my point was that you could probably use hierarchy and division by different lists to organize your tasks, and not rely only on tags only.

    For instance, you may have list ACME, which would have list of tasks related to this company and which would be tagged with #persons and #efforts.

    For other company/context - you may use another list.

    You may use global search to search cross-lists, for a specific tag.

    This won't solve case with NOT queries, but probably may simplify need for OR.

    I'll add link to this discussion to our uservoice tracker, to make sure we implement the right thing :)


  10. Kirill Maximov Thank you for your carefully considered reply. From it I can see exactly why our positions differ.

    You say: "I see, but my point was that you could probably use hierarchy and division by different lists to organize your tasks, and not rely only on tags only."

    A considerable problem here is the number of lists just becomes unmanageable.

    But the major issue is that I want Checkvist to be my InBox (as well as to organise my otherwise significantly disorganised self).
    i.e. I want to be able to throw stuff quickly into Checkvist without worrying about categorisation or even any tagging at all.

    You could argue that this categorisation/tagging should be done when moving items to the project list. Indeed I do this but I am only human, I miss some tags and sometimes add the wrong tags.

    Hence I'd love Checkvist to help me and provide a safety-net.

    Does that make sense?

  11. Hello Mark Dickens, thanks for the explanation. This definitely makes sense.

    > A considerable problem here is the number of lists just becomes unmanageable

    This may be a problem. List tagging and archiving may help with this regard, but I think you already know that :)

    I understand that OR/NOT syntax can be really useful in some situations, my only point was to attempt to give a hint for a case when you tag some tasks with a client name - just because I believe that a separate list may work better in this specific case.

    It may be especially useful when tagging is not used at all, i.e. search is done by text. Also, in Checkvist we have many other attributes (due, assignee), and a good search solution is not easy to implement.

    By the way, do you use 'mm' shortcut to moving items from inbox list to other lists? Very useful, even allows to create a new list if needed.



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