Are there any plans to add support for time?

Are there any plans to add support for time?

The issue is that most tasks don't need a specific time so the current mechanism is great, but there are tasks that have to occur at a specific time.

This is especially important for daily repeating tasks, but there are other cases as well. For example, if I need to call someone in two days at 11:00, it would be great to get the reminder/notification at the right time.


  1. Hi Noam,

    Think that time has been on the Checkvist backlog for quite some time.

    I've got part of the way to having reminders for Checkvist items by having an Events list in Checkvist. I then use a Zapier "zap" to create a Google Calendar event using GCal's natural language input.

    It only works for Checkvist task creations in a single list so is very limited but useful sometimes.


  2. Hey Mark Dickens,

    Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a good compromise but I don't want to use Zapier. I think their prices are terribly expensive. They do have a free plan, and they claim the prices scale with usage, but they actually skyrocket with usage. From free for 5 zaps, they jump to 20 USD/month/user. I need a solution that works for myself and my family.

    But maybe a similar solution can be done with ifttt or hugginn or something similar, but that would require some more time and effort...

  3. Unfortunately there's no IFTTT integration in Checkvist at the moment

  4. IFTTT supports REST APIs, which Checkvist uses, so theoretically it should be possible. But I'm hesitant to go that route in any case because it would still just be a hack.

    Your solution is clever, but it doesn't solve the basic issue, which is that it should be possible to specify times for tasks in Checkvist.

  5. Hello Noam Kfir, I'm afraid we don't have plans adding time support in Checkvist in the foreseen future. What is possible, is to configure when you get the due notification e-mail (once per day).

    Sorry for the disappointment, but it is rather firm decision.

  6. Hi Kirill Maximov​, thanks for the straight answer, even if it is disappointing.

    Do you mind if I ask why you don't want to add time support? I don't think I've ever seen a task management system of any kind that didn't support time. It seems pretty basic, not to mention useful, so I'm curious about the reasoning behind the decision.

  7. The reason is that we consider Checkvist to be more focused on a structure, rather than on the time aspect.
    I.e. Checkvist is more suitable to divide a large problem to sub-tasks, organize them, assign them to co-workers, set priorities, group information with tags, if needed. Timing is secondary with this regard.

    Actually, we didn't want to add due dates support at all, initially. Adding time would require lots of development resources, and this is not the direction we want the product to move into.

    Best regards,

  8. I think I understand what you're saying about structure. One of the reasons Checkvist is so compelling is that it does outlining really well. And I should add that there are a lot of things that don't need dates or time.

    The problem is that it's a task manager and not just an outliner. Prioritization, tag grouping and assignment are arbitrary organizational tools unrelated to the outline structure that add very useful, even essential, metadata for working effectively with tasks. I would suggest that they're all secondary: some people may find task assignment more important than timing, while others (like myself) may see it otherwise. Due dates are another piece of metadata a lot of people need to be able to use a hierarchical checklist effectively, which I believe are no different than times.

    I don't doubt that this would require a significant investment of resources, and it's your product and your vision, but I think it severely limits the potential uses and customers for the product.

    If you won't reconsider, perhaps I can suggest (it's a long shot) making Checkvist somehow extensible, so end users can add additional fields with their own behavior.

  9. Hello Noam,

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    Actually, we consider Checkvist first as an outliner and only second - as a task manager. It is quite typical when people don't use due at all, organize notes, write books and presentations.

    As for adding custom fields - it is a good idea, and I hope we will eventually implement it:

    Thanks again,


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