We're part of the fan club.

We're part of the fan club. We want to use one of our lists as a logger for tasks which have been completed. We want to sort by created date - not due date. Haven't noticed a straightforward way of doing this

Is this something that we missed or is it something that could be a useful addition?

Thanks heaps for Checkvist. It's the best


  1. Any reason you could not set the due date to the date of creation?

  2. Jim offered an interesting workaround, thanks :)

    I'm afraid, I cannot offer a ready-to-use solution for this.
    By the way, why do you need this logger list, what would you like to achieve?


  3. Thanks both for your comments. Jim's idea sounds like a good workaround.
    Our workflow involves lots of worksheets and we want to log completed actions in a logger to track them - we move completed actions to the logger list.

  4. Jim - Just tried your suggestion and it works fine. There is one issue - that we get lots of overdue messages. That sort would really help us avoid having to export to external spreadsheet or similar

  5. So far, to avoid overdue I can only suggest to prefix completed items with text like 2016-07-02 and sort alphabetically. But this requires more discipline and may be not as convenient as set a due date.


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